
Amsterdam tax haven for Facebook

When in Amsterdam... - Blogged

When in Amsterdam was surprised to find Facebook has an office in Amsterdam. We took a walking tour of Amsterdam to visit the building at 282 Herengracht and found there was no one there. Nor a listing at reception.

282 Herengracht (photo taken from wikipedia)

Reports by De Pers suggest that the post box listing is to reduce tax payments. There is a law in the Netherlands that allows companies to bring money into the country if it is from royalties, interest or dividends for minimal tax. Rock band such as U2 and the Rolling Stones have used this law also the National Radio reports.

An account in England's Sunday Times describe a web of companies established in low taxing countries all over the world. With Facebook due to go public on the stock exchange billions of dollars are expected to fill the Facebook accounts.

The founder of Facebook March Zuckerberg has always said that his social media enterprise was not about making money but to helping people. The nasty side effect, money, now needs to be addressed... and pay as little tax as possible.

When in Amsterdam....enjoy!

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