
Cafe Batavia 1920 Beer of the Week: Affligem Dubbel

When in Amsterdam....visit Cafe Batavia 1920. The location of Beer of the Week has a list of 42 beers and good honest tasty pub food. We notice sitting at the bar that the last two Beers of the Week have sold out and are to be re-stocked over the weekend. It is heartening that customers of Cafe Batavia 1920 are savvy, exploring beyond the standard Pils/lager.

Beer of the Week is Affligem Dubbel, a Begian brown ale.  On pouring there is a large light tan coloured head but the foam quickly disappears forming a simple ring on top of the beer. On smell, the Affligem Dubbel is malty with a hint of fruit. 
Affligem Dubbel at Cafe Batavia 1920

The first taste is lighter than expected. There is not as much body as what was expected. The beer is refreshingly light for a double ale. At first, while the beer is still cold from the fridge, you don't notice but as the beer warms the beer is sweet. There is an interesting taste that cannot simply be described by sweet. Little sip follows little sip trying to place the taste. At times there is citrus overtones, other sips seem to have more plum flavours. Getting towards the end of the beer the secret is in the carbonation or the small little bubbles that spread the taste.

By the end of the second the Affligem Dubbel the mouth is fresh with a clean sweetness and not beer. A thoroughly enjoyable beer.

When in Amsterdam...have a great weekend!

Other Beer of the Week entries:

Maredsous Blonde
Delirium Nocturnum
- Golden Dragon
When in Amsterdam... - Blogged

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