The basics of Beer on Friday have been stipulated. Beer of the week is the wonderful Barbar.
Barbar is a honey ale produced by the Brasserie Lefebvre. This Brewery is situated in a small village south of Brussels and has been a family owned since 1876.
On tasting it is not as sweet as we expected. There is a malty sweetness. Honey and vanilla flavors are present but not over powering. The finish is dry spicy and slightly tart. This is the beer for those who are tempted to move from the safety of pilsner for the first time. With an alcohol content of 8% Barbar should be enjoyed slowly.
With the help of Cafe Batavia 1920 we are slowly working our way through their 42 beers for your reading pleasure. Bar Batavia is named after the former Dutch flagship of the Dutch East India Company which was wreaked on its maiden voyage and the surviving crew mutinied and started killing one another.
When in Amsterdam.....have a great weekend!

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